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Tangerine Dream at Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

Baden‐Baden, Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

Best seats  2 h 15 min Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 91

About the Event

German bands didn't really have much to contribute to rock music. Until “Krautrock” came along towards the end of the 60s. Young people pored over nerdy instruments, blew, fluted, screwed and stroked — and discovered the synthesizer. Bam! As if after a big bang, new bands shone in the musical sky: the ice‐cold planet Kraftwerk, even earlier and at least as radiant the orange giant Tangerine Dream. The musicians around band founder Edgar Froese came and went, but their status as a cult band remains. With the soundtrack to the computer game “Grand Theft Auto V”, Tangerine Dream struck a chord with a younger generation. Froese died, Thorsten Quaesch ning, Hoshiko Yamane and Paul Frick are keeping the “Dream in Orange” alive — in the studio and now live again.


Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden, Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, Baden‐Baden, Germany — Google Maps

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