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© Gregor Hohenberg style= © Gregor Hohenberg

Max Raabe & Palast Orchester at Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

Baden‐Baden, Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden

Best seats  2 h 20 min Give as a gift card

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Total Price
$ 115

About the Event

It is sensual, velvety — and so that it doesn't get boring, it has a sting: “Hummel streicheln” is the name of the new program with which Max Raabe & Palast Orchester return to the Festspielhaus. With a stylish baritone, Max Raabe sings about familiar or exotic animals, about the perils of auto‐correction or about riding a bicycle. Once again, he combines the “Raabe pop” of our time with original hits from the 1920s and 1930s in quirky comedy. In this way, “Hummel streicheln” sums up a typical Raabe attitude to life: the desire to discover the funny, beautiful, absurd, cheerful and melancholy in everyday life and to look at it through the monocle.


Orchestra: Palast Orchester
Soloist: Max Raabe



Festspielhaus Baden‐Baden, Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, Baden‐Baden, Germany — Google Maps

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