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Boris Giltburg — Piano Recital at Rudolfinum

Prague, Rudolfinum — Dvorak Hall

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Total Price
$ 46

About the Event

We hosted the phenomenal Boris Giltburg for the first time in March 2008. He had not yet won first prize in the legendary Queen Elisabeth Competition in Brussels. Back then, under the baton of Jakub Hrůša, he burst into the Smetana Hall in a pretty jazzy manner, interwoven with Gershwin's music right down to his fingertips. This is typical of Boris Giltburg in general: he captivates the music in all its fullness. When he chooses a composer, he immediately longs for a complete set. That's what he did with Ravel, Beethoven and Rachmaninov. Now his attention is clearly turning to Fryderyk Chopin. For it is he, and only he, who will be the subject of his concert in January 2025 in the Dvořák Hall of the Rudolfinum. His poems for piano will be joyfully distributed to all sides.

The concert is under the auspices of H.E. Anna Azari, Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Czech Republic.


  • Frederic Chopin – 24 Preludes Op. 28
  • Frederic Chopin – Sonata No. 2 in B flat minor Op. 35
  • Frederic Chopin – Ballade No. 4 in F minor Op. 52
  • Frederic Chopin – Scherzo No. 4 in E major Op. 54
Program is subject to change


Piano: Boris Giltburg


Rudolfinum, Alsovo nabrezi 12, Prague, Czech Republic — Google Maps

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