Lyrik und Drama: Eine Reise durch Chopins Meisterwerke

Rom, Oratorio del Gonfalone — Main Hall

Sitzplan Freie Sitzplatzwahl  E-Ticket sofort Als Gutschein verschenken

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$ 41

Über die Veranstaltung

Die Pianistin Michelle Candotti präsentiert im Oratorio Del Gonfalone einen Abend mit den tiefgründigsten und ausdrucksstärksten Werken Chopins und erkundet dabei die Tiefe der Lyrik und Dramatik seiner Kompositionen.


  • Frederic Chopin – Nocturne in F minor Op.55 No.1
  • Frederic Chopin – Ballade No.2 in F major Op.38
  • Frederic Chopin – Nocturne in C minor Op.48 No.1
  • Frederic Chopin – Preludes Op.28 Nos.13‐18
  • Frederic Chopin – Etude in F major Op.10 No.8
  • Frederic Chopin – Etude in B minor Op.25 No.10
  • Frederic Chopin – Scherzo No.2 in B‐flat minor Op.31
  • Frederic Chopin – Sonata No.2 in B‐flat minor Op.35
Programmänderung vorbehalten


Pianist: Michelle Candotti

Frederic Chopin

Frederic Chopin was a Polish composer and pianist of the Romantic area (early 19th century). He wrote primarily piano solos but also piano concerts, chamber pieces and songs set to Polish lyrics. He is well-known as a poetic genius without competition of his generation. In fact, he created the concept of instrumental ballade and his performances were noted for their sensitivity and fine distinction. He spent most of his life in Paris, where he performed for the intimate atmospheres of salons. For most of his life, he suffered poor health. As a result, he died quite young at the age of 39, probably of tuberculosis.


Oratorio del Gonfalone, Via del Gonfalone, 32, Rom, Italien — Google Maps

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