Located on the Vistula River in southern Poland, Krakow is one of the country’s oldest, largest, and most beautiful cities. Krakow’s entire historic center is a listed UNESCO World Heritage Site, with breathtaking examples of art and architecture from the Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque eras. With numerous museums, monuments, and a full calendar of music events, this lively university city is an ideal cultural destination.
Veranstaltungen in Krakau
Veranstaltungsorte für Krakau
Jama Michalika Café
Krakau, Polen
Besucher werden von der ursprünglichen farbenfrohen Jugendstileinrichtung des Jama Michalika Cafés in Krakau geradezu angezogen.
Krakau, Polen
Chopin Concert Hall
Krakau, Polen
Grand Hotel in Krakow
Krakau, Polen