Lohengrin: Deutsche Oper Berlin
Berlin, Deutsche Oper Berlin — Main stage
Über die Veranstaltung
In dieser Saison bietet die Deutsche Oper Berlin die Gelegenheit, Kasper Holtens kontroverse Interpretation von Wagners Lohengrin als zeitlosen politischen Machtkampf zu erleben.
In deutscher Sprache mit deutschen und englischen Übertiteln
- Richard Wagner – Lohengrin, Romantic opera in three acts
Besetzung / Stab
Dirigent Ivan Repušić
Regie Kasper Holten
Bühne, Kostüme Steffen Aarfing
Licht Jesper Kongshaug
Chöre Jeremy Bines
Heinrich der Vogler Byung Gil Kim
Lohengrin Attilio Glaser
Elsa von Brabant Flurina Stucki
Friedrich von Telramund Jordan Shanahan
Ortrud Nina Stemme
Das Heerrufer des Königs Dean Murphy
1.Brabantischer Edler Patrick Cook
2.Brabantischer Ed ler Jörg Schörner
3.Brabantischer Edler Geon Kim
4.Brabantischer Edler Stephen Marsh
1.Edelknabe Stephanie Lloyd
2.Edelknabe Angelika Nolte
3.Edelknabe Kristina Griep
4.Edelknabe Saskia Klumpp
Chöre Chor der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Orchester Orchester der Deutschen Oper Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin
Deutsche Oper Berlin is the biggest opera house in the German capital, and a member of the Berlin Opera Foundation established in the early 1900s. The original building was destroyed during the Second World War, but was eventually replaced, and the new theater opened in 1961 - six weeks after construction began on the Berlin Wall. Serving West Berlin, its sober, linear design avoids anything that might distract vistiors from the performance. The repertoire of the theater focuses on the great classics such as Mozart, Verdi and Strauss, but frequently presents contemporary opera as well. The Chorus of the Deutsche Oper has been named 'Chorus of the Year' many times for its outstanding performances.
Deutsche Oper Berlin, Bismarckstraße 35 , Berlin, Deutschland — Google Maps